Tag Archives: desk

Shabby Chic Calendar


The best projects to create are both pretty and functional. Calendars can totally be both! And why not? You’re going to be looking at it all year right? I made this calendar thinking that it could be left out on a desk.

IMG_0640Pretty pretty vintage bird image layered with French post cards, tattered edge book pages, buttons and Juliet Natural Lace trim from Really Reasonable Ribbon.

2013-01-043IMG_0643-001I added glassine pockets to hold tags. Keeping track of important dates will be a cinch.

IMG_0646These great little calendar cards are blank…so my calendar is ready to start whenever I’m ready to fill it in.

IMG_0648The tattered book pages give it fabulous texture and the tabbed dividers will make it super handy to flip right to the month I need : )

I hope you have a happy and productive day and find some time to be creative : ) G